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Sign up to make your K2our account

Enter Password

Set password22

Make your K2OUR account

Creating Password finishes the sign up procedure.

Write your info

Year of birth

By signing up or logging in, you acknowledge and agree
to K2OUR's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Find Password

A new password will be sent to your email.


Q. "Payment cancellation" error during the payment. What should I do?

Please reset your 3DS password for overseas card payments and then try payment again.

* 3D security protocol adds an additional level of payment protection to an online transaction. In order to complete an online purchase, the cardholder is asked to provide proof of identity by entering a unique password, an SMS code or a temporary PIN.

Customers who encounter an error should contact their overseas card issuer (overseas bank) and reset their password.

Thank you

Q. How to leave the review?

1. You can leave the  tour review on next day after tour has finished.

2. Go to My page in K2our app or website.

3. Select  "Reviews" on left side column.

4. Click  "Leave a Review" on the tour you selected.

5. Write a good review for us.

Q. Can I bring my friend to join the tour on site?


You can only if there is an empty seat available for the tour. Please inquire within K2our office or tour staff before the tour day.

The payment has to be cash to the tour staff on site.

Q. I didn't receive confirmation e-mail. What should I do?

Go to My page then check my bookings. Then you will find your booking and see the voucher.

If you have any concerns about the tour confirmation, please contact K2our via Whatsapp, Viber, Line, Weechat and  Kakaotalk of this number +82-10-7686-2046.


Q. Can I bring my luggage or stroller?

It depends on the type of tour and the vehicle.

You should ask your tour staff in advance. The tour staff will tell you whether it is okay or not.

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